Rewards Program
Public Membership Enhancement Program
Decoy Grant Request
Trailer Upgrades Grant Request
Trailer Grant Request (Not Available For 2023)
“On behalf of District 5 Conservation Officers, I would like to express our gratitude to International Wildlife Crimestoppers, Inc., for the grant allowing us to purchase a robotic turkey decoy. Your organization has provided us with a excellent tool to use in our efforts, protecting wildlife.
I have attached a picture of our new robotic strutting turkey decoy. I wish everyone a safe and busy fall season.
Sincerest thanks,”
Conservation Officer Jonathan Warner
DISTRICT 5 Law Enforcement
8717 N. Roscommon Rd
Roscommon, MI 48653
We’ve completed the upgrades to our Operation Game Theft trailer and I’ve included pictures of the upgrades. The focus of our redesign was based on creating a more inviting space for children and young adults. The new design allows the public to have more hands-on interaction and increases opportunity for greater dialogue with our officers and staff.
I greatly appreciate IWC’s assistance with this project and look forward to working with IWC in the future.
Chief Drew Aydelotte
Delaware Fish & Wildlife